Grammy's Bouquet


Hover to view close ups. Click on image to see entire painting.

11” x 14” acrylic, gallery wrapped

The type of thing you love to see in your grammy's house. Colorful hydrangeas and warm white roses in an antique vase.

By Avery Joyner

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Hover to view close ups. Click on image to see entire painting.

11” x 14” acrylic, gallery wrapped

The type of thing you love to see in your grammy's house. Colorful hydrangeas and warm white roses in an antique vase.

By Avery Joyner

Hover to view close ups. Click on image to see entire painting.

11” x 14” acrylic, gallery wrapped

The type of thing you love to see in your grammy's house. Colorful hydrangeas and warm white roses in an antique vase.

By Avery Joyner

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