Cloud Ten
Hover to view close up. Click on image to see entire painting.
40" x 40" acrylic on sculpted canvas
Vibrant, sweeping color creates a dynamic composition with reds, yellows, and blues dominating the scene. Bold lines and abstract shapes intertwine, giving a sense of movement and energy.
by Marla E
Hover to view close up. Click on image to see entire painting.
40" x 40" acrylic on sculpted canvas
Vibrant, sweeping color creates a dynamic composition with reds, yellows, and blues dominating the scene. Bold lines and abstract shapes intertwine, giving a sense of movement and energy.
by Marla E
Hover to view close up. Click on image to see entire painting.
40" x 40" acrylic on sculpted canvas
Vibrant, sweeping color creates a dynamic composition with reds, yellows, and blues dominating the scene. Bold lines and abstract shapes intertwine, giving a sense of movement and energy.
by Marla E